Mgr. Matěj Sapík
karierní poradce
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Not sure how to write a CV? Do you have trouble with listed words and multiplication tables, but don't know how to put your work experience on your CV? Don't despair, the Career Center is here for you!
At our seminar you will learn how to create an interesting, original and, above all, relevant CV. We will discuss what options you have when structuring your CV. Furthermore, we will discuss the most common mistakes when writing a CV, what to focus on when writing and, on the contrary, what to avoid. We will also look at the cover letter. We will discuss what goes into it and how to structure it. There will also be space for all your questions.
What will you learn on the course?
You only need to create a quality CV once, then you can only edit it for the rest of your life.
We look forward to hearing from you!
karierní poradce
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